Icons & text

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Community Guidelines
    • Community Standards
  • 2
    Ad Auction and Delivery Overview
    • Ad Auction & Delivery Overview
    • Facebook Ad Auction Basics
    • Decoding the Winning Ad
    • Budget Pacing
    • Maximizing User Value
    • Ad Delivery
    • Conversion Optimization
    • Staying Competitive in the Auction
  • 3
    Ad Policies for Content, Creative & Targeting
    • Overview
    • Ad Review Process
    • Key Policies: Content
    • Key Policies: Creative
    • Key Policies: Targeting
  • 4
    Create Facebook Ads
    • Ads on Facebook
    • Introduction to Ads Manager
    • Create Complete Campaigns
    • Build Campaigns with Quick Creation
    • Best Practices and Practical Considerations
  • 5
    Edit & Manage Facebook Ads
    • Get Started
    • Update Creative and Delivery
    • Import and Export Ad Objects
    • Advanced Functions
  • 6
    Enhance Your Direct Response Campaigns with Audience Network
    • Enhance Your Direct Response Campaigns
    • Benefits
    • Ad Objectives and Placements
    • Measurement and Testing
  • 7
    Extend Your Campaign's Reach with Audience Network
    • Introduction
    • Scale Your Campaigns
    • Brand Safety and Placement Controls
    • How to Deliver Ads in Audience Network
  • 8
    Facebook & Instagram
    • Facebook & Instagram
    • Using Creative on Facebook and Instagram
  • 9
    Promote Your Business From Your Facebook Page
    • Introduction
    • Get Started
    • Promotion Types
    • Boost Your Post
    • Boost Your Event
    • Promote Your Page
    • Promote Your Website
    • Promote Your Local Business
    • Promote a Call to Action
    • Target the Right People
    • Measure Success
    • Edit Your Ads
  • 10
    • Core Audiences
    • Lookalike Audiences
    • Custom Audiences
  • 11
    Facebook Auction
    • Ad Auction and Delivery Overview
    • Facebook Ad Auction Basics
    • Decoding the Winning Ad
    • Budget Pacing
    • Maximizing User Value
    • Ad Delivery
    • Conversion Optimization
    • Staying Competitive in the Auction
  • 12
    • Facebook & Instagram
    • Extend Your Campaign’s Reach with Audience Network
    • Scale Your Campaigns
    • Brand Safety and Placement Controls
    • How to Deliver Ads in Audience Network
  • 13
    Advertising Objective
    • Instagram Buying Objective
    • App Installs
    • Video Views
    • Lead Generation
    • Conversions
    • Product Catalog Sales
    • Store Visits
  • 14
    Brand Objectives
    • Brand Best Practices
    • Planning
    • Insights and Targeting
    • Creative Development
    • Implementation
    • Measurement
  • 15
    Direct Response Objectives
    • How to Drive Actions Online, in Stores and in Apps
    • Overview of Buying Types
    • Choosing the Right Objectives
    • Targeting the Right Audience
    • Selecting Placements, Formats and Creative
    • Measuring Campaign Objectives
    • Deliver Ads and Evaluate Outcomes with Facebook Pixel
    • Creating a Facebook Pixel
    • Set Your Strategy
    • Step-By-Step
    • Measure and Analyze
  • 16
    Business Manager
    • Business Manager
    • Setting up Business Manager
    • Business Manager Roles
  • 17
    • Introduction to Facebook Pages
    • Communicate with Customers
    • Tools to Manage Your Business
    • Create Facebook Pages
    • Page Post Types
  • 18
    • Measuring Audience Outcomes
    • Measuring Brand Outcomes
    • Measuring Sales Outcome
    • Understanding Campaign Performance with Ads Manager
    • Reporting Controls
    • Understanding Your Results
    • Schedule, Export, Download and Share Reports

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

Call to action

This is where you seal the deal. Sprinkle this section throughout you page to push prospects to purchase!

Get started now